Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cross your fingers for me!

Well, I had my interview for the radiography program on Monday. I think I did pretty well. But I am worried about the competition.

See, they invited 74 applicants to the interviews (instead of the 60 they told me they were) and there are only 13 available spots in the program. They even invited a girl who can't figure out how to send a complete application after trying for the last 3 years! (I think I may have her beat!) Many of these applicants (they aren't really people, just spot stealers!) have applied before, gone and gotten more education or job experience, and are back to try again.

Stud Muffin and I prepared as best we could, imagining likely questions and answers. The committee of 3 threw me with a question or two, but otherwise I felt prepared.

When they asked me what my weaknesses were, Studly had suggested I respond with, "Other than my deep and abiding fear of radiation?" LOL He really cracks me up, which is good so he can provide entertainment when I don't get into the program for being a wiseass and am sitting desolate on the couch refusing to leave the house! And, no, I did really use his quote, but it was a good one!

I am working on a plan B, in the unlikely and unfair event that I don't get in. Mostly, I am keeping it under wraps for now, but I do have an appointment with someone this afternoon to discuss it. No, MYS, it isn't a shrink, although I probably need one!

The super-bummer is that I have to wait another two weeks to find out if I got into the program. This is where you come in. At your convenience, would you please either think good thoughts for me, make the committee pick me, or send a hex out for some of the other applicants and make them drop out??


Much appreciated.


Celticspirit said...

They way you go into this is not to say to yourself....I hope I get into the program but instead tell yourself....I'm in the program. It's the law of attraction. Don't let any doubts sneak into your thoughts.

MarmiteToasty said...

I hope plan B dont involve Muffin becoming ya pimp and pimping ya out lol.... although, I do hear there is much dosh to be made out of that.... ok, its just a thought....

Sending all the other applicates, spells that will put them out of action :) - what? ya didnt know I was a part time witch :)

Im keeping everything crossed for you.. everything..... you can do it girl..... praise the lord for muffins sense of humour lmfao


barefoot gardener said...

keeping everything crossed for ya...

Anonymous said...

No public comment on the shrink idea...I am sure your stellar personality and bedside manner "wowed" them. I shall sacrifice a chicken (just joking neices please don't give PETA my address) and stick pins into dolls I originally stole from you as a child...HA! Honestly, can't wait to hear the news...