But it does look good! As the temps near 100 degrees, the work slows down. If I get outside by 6 AM I can maybe get 3 hours of work done before I am a hot, sweaty mess. I don't always make it out that early!
But I am plugging along with the mulching project and landscape refreshing and the shrinking mulch pile is proof.
Gratuitous (blurry) picture of my tractor, which I use to move mulch. Have I said lately how much I love my tractor?? A whole lot! Especially the air-conditioning on days like these!
I have to water all the new shrubs at least once a day (sometimes twice! *Sigh*), but the gardenias are already blooming!
In the garden, the peas are "pea-ing,"
and the broccoli is budding.
The first tomatoes are set
but the lettuce is starting to bolt.
The herbs need frequent cutting
and the cabbages are holding their own.
It's been too hot to run the dogs (plus there is the matter of the smoking battery in the buggy!) so we bought them new toys to play with in the yard.
They think they want to chase the buggy down the road, but after just a few minutes of tossing toys for them, they head for the door and want into the air conditioning! The buggy is out for repair but should get back tomorrow. Unfortunately, the weather is going to continue to roast, so there still may not be much dog-running anyway!
Very beautiful...
Yeah. I'm just finishing putting the garden IN. On the other hand, I can work most of the day without it getting too hot, and we don't have to worry about turning on the A/C for a while yet. There are pros and cons to everything, right?
I love the mulch. If you find out you have too much, I'd be willing to take the extra... ;)
Thanks Cher!
Sara ~ I will probably need to order another truckload of mulch to finish the job!
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