Friday, February 6, 2009

I don't do well

with goofy cold weather!

Yesterday, we woke up to 17 degree weather. This is what I found.

The dog's outdoor water bowl with a strange, frozen, phallic growth in the middle. Poor Sassy tried to lick the "water' anyway!

The freakin' metal edging I worked so hard to put in place, heaving out of the ground with the frost. Perfect for slicing off the bottom of an unsuspecting dog or stupid barefoot human.

The mulch-moving cart was half full of rainwater. Now it's half full of very heavy solid ice. I tried to tip it up on it's end, but it wouldn't stay. After I got back from school, and the weather had heated up to about 40 degrees, the block slipped right out!

This is the block this morning, still solid.

But at 6 o'clock this morning, the temperature was already higher than yesterday's high! And it reached about 67 degrees this afternoon. Much more my style!! I was going to include a picture of my flower bulbs starting to push up through the soil. However, some little forest critters have chewed them down to the ground!

And thanks for all the suggestions. In my spare time, I am working on a PMS version of this hat. I will be replacing the toilet roll with an extra large chocolate bar!


Anonymous said...

In your new PMS hat, the chocolate is a good idea but you will need anti-wrinkle cream, kleenex for emotional meltdowns and don't forget tweezers for the new facial hair you'll be sprouting!! Ah yes, getting old is very glamorous.

Lisa said...

Is this the voice of experience talking?? Are you making your own, better PMS hat?!?

Celticspirit said...

Yay for the PMS hat! It's just what I need.
We have that wacky weather like you do. This winter it's ranged from the low teens up into the 80's. And the much wind. No reason to bother fixing one's hair if you live in Oklahoma. I don't think Chicago is the windiest city, I think the one I live in is!
Sorry to hear that the critters chewed your plants. Will they grow back?

MarmiteToasty said...

What the hell is a mackeral fish doing in your dogs bowl? WTF...

Its been bitter cold here this past few days, but at least we only had 2 days of snow down south.... its very bright and really sunny out there today (as I typed that it just clouded over lol) but its so bitterly cold out...

Can you include flapjacks in the PMS hat... fanks LOL

you could manufacture wheelbarrow ice slabs and advertise them as 'make your own ice skating rink' :)


Lisa said...

Barb ~ Hopefully the plants will grow back... if the bunnies haven't advertised the free buffet!

Marmy ~ Thanks for the suggestion. Will add removable ear flap to the new hat. I do think the ice looks like a fish! But, what you couldn't see, is that it stuck straight up out of the water like a spike!

The ice skating rinks? Maybe for fairies or small woodland creatures!!

MarmiteToasty said...

no ya loon, NOT ear flaps but chocolate coated flapjacks lol :)

and no not ice skating for fairys but you know like those carpet tiles you could have ice tiles that slot together.... dam woman, put your business head on LOL....

wow its just ice? it truely looks like a mackeral....


Mama Tango said...

You know, we sell 2 pound chocolate bars at Walgreens...I'm just sayin'.

I thought the thing in the ice bowl was some kind of large sardine...I'm mental. Oooh wait, I just read other comments...yes, a mackerel, that's exactly what it looks like. Maybe the fish was jumping right as the water froze? Yeah, that's the ticket.

The weather here is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous here today, so I'll bet you've got it there too...enjoy it!!!

Lisa said...

Marmy! My bad! I thought you wanted ear flaps since you were WHINING about the cold!! Nevermind. I will probably dip the whole hat in premium chocolate to finish it!

Catty! I was so hoping for gorgeous weather today, and it started out pretty, but now it has clouded up again :(

Lisa said...

I don't do well with cold like that either. I like very moderate temperatures!

Anonymous said...

Lisa - Back in October you showed a picture of socks in progress and I asked about your yarn. I am happy to say that I found a similar yarn at JoAnn's and made a pair for my daughter-in-law for Christmas. Now I am making a pair for my daughter for Valentine's Day. You were my inspiration and I've had some happy hours, knitting and slipping my stitches. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog - thanks! - Daisy

Anonymous said...

My sistah (she understands this) is a populah blogger...Cool! Welcome to my world with the ice. For me the most dramatic is when your case of bottled water in the garage is frozen solid...Now that is cold...


Lisa said...

Daisy! I'm so thrilled that you could find the yarn and enjoyed making the socks! Aren't they fun?!?

Leetle Sistah... maybe you could just wheel your freezer to the garage and leave the door open. Free cooling!!

MarmiteToasty said...

Ok, dont make me have to bloody worry about you........ just pop ya head in to say your okay....
