Friday, February 20, 2009

Say "bye, bye" to the Turd

Well, it seems that Friday/Saturday will be my day for a blog update. I am too busy during the rest of the week, and frankly, rather boring. Unless you get some sort of sick, vicarious thrill from hearing about how much dog hair I vacuumed up or how high the dirty dishes can be stacked on every kitchen surface before they fall. In which case, I am wickedly stimulating!

Yesterday, Stud Muffin and I converted a major asset into something more practical. Yes, folks, the Big Rolling Turd is no longer a member of this family!

I am sorry to see it go, but the state of the world required it. As much as I loved cruising down the road with my panoramic view from my co-pilot's seat, with me in school and Studly earning the bucks, we couldn't figure out when we would ever be able to take another trip!

We also got rid of the cursed car.

BUT. We got two really neat cars, that get great gas mileage, and will actually get used! Here's my new little Malibu:

Pretty, sparkly red! I'm all about the red!

And Studly's Traverse:

Sorry about the shady photos. Late afternoon, limited sunlight!

Now, I know this looks suspiciously like the tire-eating car we traded in, but it's not. This vehicle is lower to the ground, and gets much better gas mileage. Always a plus in this economy!

So, I'm sorry, Marmy. You did not get over here fast enough to stay in the Turd. Guess it's back to Steve the Shed for you... if you ever visit!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new wheels and many happy and safe miles.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

Good deal! We have a medium sized RV we bought and it's almost paid off. Last year we hardly got to use it because of gas prices. We're keeping it but it seemed so much neat til I realized how dang expensive they were to drive places! I like your car:) I have an old, ugly minivan!

Lisa said...

Thanks, Ang!

BJ ~ We were supposed to take the RV out to Oregon for Almost Grown's graduation last summer. But at 8 miles to the gallon, almost $4 a gallon gas, and over 3000 miles for the trip, it just wasn't happening!! I will miss it, but have to be practical about how much we'll get to use it.

barefoot gardener said...

Buh-Bye, Turd...I will miss hearing about you...

See, there goes my dream that you and Studly would decided to live like Gypsies in your RV and travel the country. Maybe I could have convinced you to visit me here in the frozen north...

MarmiteToasty said...

Goodbye big steaming turd...... HELLO STEVE :)....

Anyways alls good cos if I had stayed in 'the turd' I would of been inclined to go for midnight drives into town on the proper side of the road :)....

The new cars look super ...... me likes me some red cars to.....
