Effective immediately, the following changes will be in force at the Colors Outside the Lines house:
1) In order to save batteries for when the power fails completely, all smoke detectors will be replaced.

These will be changed out as necessary to ensure safety and whenever we need a snack!
2) Gasoline will be conserved by reducing the use of gas-powered tools. Lawns will be mowed "the old-fashioned" way.

Studly prefers this model, though.

3) As clothes no longer fit or something different is needed, refashioning of what is already on hand will be the order of the day.

4) Vacations out-of-town will no longer occur. Instead we will have the neighbors in to swim in the pool and have a large cookout.

5) When important electronic devices fail or become obsolete, we will resort to a low tech alternative.

6) We will not forget our pet friends, and will insure their safety whenever travelling is necessary.

7) Most importantly, we will be aware of opportunities as they arise, not be asleep at the wheel, make hay while the sun shines, and all the cr*p!

In all seriousness, I am extremely concerned about the current state of affairs. Based on reports I have read, we shouldn't expect our government to come to our aid if the need arises due to weather, economic collapse, or other disaster. The FEMA response to Gustav hasn't been much better than for Katrina and supply lines are still clogged and sporadic. I think we should all be doing whatever we can to prepare ourselves for the future... whatever it holds!
End of diatribe!
Haha -- I love that photo of the bike with the mower!!!
Im worried about where your mind and thoughts sometimes stray to LOL
Well, I think we have to appreciate the creativity and enterpreneurial spirit that went into creating those lower-tech options :).
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