Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just for Sara

You should read the comments Sara, The Barefoot Gardener left on my last post. Begging shamefully for more pictures of flowers! It was pitiful actually.

But since she is still sloughing through the snow, with only the pompom on the top of her little head visible, I have to take pity on her. Well, not that much because she lives in Minnesota or some such frozen wasteland. But, anyway, these spring pictures are for her.

Pay no attention to the crispy vines hanging from the window boxes! The flowers are pretty anyway.

Pear and peach blossoms:

It's amazing what just a few days of warmer weather can do for making the flowers *POP*

Even some lettuces and spinach in the veggie bed!

So, Sara, I hope you've enjoyed this small peek into the future. You can't stay frozen up there forever. But if you ever get tired of it, the flowers are blooming in the south!


Anonymous said...

*LOVE* the promise of spring as ours is near...We still need water and probably will get more snow...


barefoot gardener said...

Oooooh, pretty! Thank you, Lisa.

Things are looking up here in the frozen north... The snow has melted from around the trees, and I can see the piles of leaves I never finished raking last fall...

Oh, great.

MarmiteToasty said...

Flowers are blooming here in the south to, and yesterday I planted up me poo buckets with blue and yellow primroses :)...
