Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's baaaaack!

The mulch pile, that is!

My main birthday present this year was another truckload of mulch, which I ordered up today. I had pretty much scraped all there was from the last pile, and yet still have so much more to do!

Of course, as I was picking up a few stray fallen branches while the delivery guy got set to dump the load, my back sorta-kinda went out. No doubt registering it's horror at the sight before (or behind?) it. Since I had just gotten finished telling the guy that I would be responsible for moving this shredded mountain, I stood as straight as possible, with a silly, grimacing smile on my face, until he drove away. I waved him goodbye and I crab-walked my crippled self back into the house for a muscle relaxant. Now I'm doing the Frankenstein shuffle!

That didn't keep me from planting the strawberry plants I got earlier this morning, but did make it a half-assed job! I'm sure the darlings will forgive me. At least they won't rot away in a bowl of water like the ones I bought last year!

I promise there are 25 plants in there!

As for the rest of the garden, the onions are onioning,

the lettuces are leafing,

the cabbages...well... hmmm,

and the peas are peeing.

No! That didn't come out right!! Well, you all speak Lisa, don'tcha?

We are expecting more rain storms tomorrow and Sunday, but we are ready... I guess! We have had sporadic power outages over the last few days, but the generator has worked like a charm! Best purchase we ever made for the property! I will be doing the Quasimodo into school tomorrow and hope to get home before the skies open up!


Anonymous said...

I got a lot of giggles out of this one :) Many visuals of you crab walking! Hehe! I love you and I hope your back feels better.

Celticspirit said...

Your plants look great! When you said, it's back.....I was thinking you were talking about that beaver in the creek. At least it's just the mulch pile!
I hope your back feels better. said...

Your veggies look wonderful! How nice that you are already eating salads from your lettuce. Mine are just starting to pop up. Lettuce, spinach, and radishes - much too cold to put out anything else yet. I'm envious of your garden - and your beautiful mulch pile! Hope your back feels better soon.

Take care,

MarmiteToasty said...

Tiz just a thought :)... why dont you get the soil pile delivered closer to where you need to use it?

DONT GO DOING YOUR BACK IN...christ sake..


MarmiteToasty said...

What with you hunched back and my draggy legs we would make a great comedy act lmao


Lisa said...

Thank you everyone for the well wishes (and laughs at my expense from the daughter! It's to be expected!)

Barb.. I'm so glad it ISN'T the beaver... so far!

Ah, the mulch pile! A source of love and hate. Actually, Marmy, the pile is right between all the spots I need it for this year. Some will go in the backyard that I didn't get to last year, and some will be used right next to where it sits. For the backyard, I load it into the garden cart, rig it to the back of the buggy, and drive it to where I need.

As for the sore back, I guess it's the price of getting old! And not working on my farm dream when I was younger! Am thinking up song and dance numbers involving walkers for us to take on the road!